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Pocket Network Polygon-Grants Hackathon: Integrate a Pocket-powered Endpoint into your DApp





  • DAOrayaki

The bounty details are styled by Markdown, whose layout & typography will be aligned to a well-defined DoraHacks Markdown style set. Prize Bounty 6000 of USDT 1st Place = 2500 USDT 2nd Place = 1500 USDT 3rd, 4th, 5th, & 6th Place = 500 USDT Challenge Description Every DApp needs blockchain data. Pocket Network provides the full spectrum of blockchain data in a decentralized, censorship-resistant manner. The Pocket Portal makes it easy to mint an RPC endpoint for any of the blockchains Pocket supports in just a few clicks. These are the networks available within the Pocket Portal to use in your application: Polygon Mainnet Polygon Archival Ethereum Mainnet Ethereum Mainnet Archival Ethereum Mainnet Archival with Tracing Ethereum Testnet Goerli Ethereum Testnet Kovan xDAI Avalanche Fuse Mainnet Binance Smart Chain (Archival) We want you to use Pocket Network as your decentralized blockchain data provider for any of the blockchains listed above.

  • brucx created bounty 在 2022/06/16 11:53:00

  • The bounty was expired on 2022/06/18 03:52:59
